Introducing the Yarnsters, a lively and creative group of craft-loving critters that are all about turning the ordinary into the extraordinary! Each member brings their unique flair to the crafting circle, creating a yarn-filled haven of joy and creativity.
Meet Penelope, the Purling Platypus with a passion for all things knitted and cozy! With a beak that's perfect for holding yarn and webbed feet that expertly maneuver through a sea of colorful threads, Penelope is not your average platypus. This quirky critter spends its days along riverbanks, stitching together the softest creations to keep its friends warm. Penelope's favorite pastimes include organizing knitting circles with other riverbank residents, crafting platypus-sized scarves and sweaters, and hosting tea parties where the main guest of honor is always a handknit plush duck. Known for its impeccable stitchwork and keen eye for color coordination, Penelope is the goto platypus for all things knitting-related.